How to check if a digital certificate is installed on the computer and for how long it is valid

Start Internet Explorer – double–click on the icon IE icon.

From the "Tools" menu select "Internet Options". tools menu

Click on "Content" "Certificates ...". Content menu

In the specific example, there are two certificates installed. Certificates menu

The first is valid until October 20, 2004, and the second until August 23, 2005. You can get more information about the certificate by highlighting it and clicking the "View" button.

From the window that appears, the most important thing is that the picture in the upper left corner is green – this means that the certificate is valid.

If it is not green, but has a red sign with "X" thereon certificate not valid image, it means that the certificate is not valid. Check the date until which the certificate is valid and if according to it it has not yet expired, but still the picture is red, it means that there is some other problem and it is necessary to consult with the organization that issued the certificate. The boxes "Issued to:" and "Issued By:" are analogous to the front screen – show in whose name and where the certificate was issued. valid certificate image

The box "Valid from ...... to ......" shows when and until when the certificate is valid – i.e. the second date (in this case 23.04.05) shows how long the certificate is valid.

When you select "Certification Path", the hierarchy of certificates used by your certificate is displayed – these are the "ROOT" certificate of the organization issuing certificates – "Level 0", the certificate of the organization issuing the certificate – "Level 1" and finally – your certificate. All of these certificates must be valid in order to work with your certificate. If your own certificate is valid, but the ROOT or other certificate of the organization that issued the certificate has expired, you will not be able to work with your certificate. If any of these certificates is not valid – consult the organization from which you purchased the certificate. view certificate image

You can check whether these certificates are valid in a similar way – select them one by one and click on the "View Certificate" button.

Select the top certificate – in this case "B–trust Domestic Root CA – 2048 Level 0" and click the "View Certificate" button. view certificate button

In the window that appears, check if the image in the upper left corner is green and the date on which the certificate expires.

Then click the "OK" button and select the second certificate – in this case "B–Trust Domestic CA1 – 1024 Level 1" and click the "View Certificate" button. Certificate valid data

The steps are similar – check how long the certificate is valid. expiration date validation

If all is well, click the "OK" button


If there are any irregularities in any of these points – contact the company from which you purchased the digital certificate or the computer specialist who maintains your equipment.