How to check if the digital certificate is installed correctly on the computer via the INTERNET

You can verify that your digital certificate is installed correctly by going to: By clicking you will be transffered to CRAS digitial certificate test page. You need to have INTERNET for this check, so first check if this condition is present.

Certificates issued by:

To that end you should start Internet Explorer and in the "Address:” box write: By clicking you will be transffered to CRAS digitial certificate test page and press "Enter". If you have several certificates installed on your computer, a list will appear from which you must select your certificate and click the "OK" button. Client authentication

If your certificate is installed on a smart card (as it should be), a window will appear, in which you will enter the PIN code of your smart card. If successful, the following page will be displayed: Test Page image

This means that the certificate has been successfully installed on your computer. If this check successfully pass, you have a password and username to access the NPB and you are still unable to work in the NPB - you may write at e-mail address or jpanaiotova [ a t ], or call Joanna Panayotova at (02) 986 34 86 in 29.

In case of failure, the following will be displayed: page cannot be dispayed

If it fails, try a few more times, as the problem may only be temporary. With each new attempt: