For the attention of users holding a QES issued before 2018: following an update of the Windows operating system as of 29.07.2020, the handling of these QES is not guaranteed. Please contact the relevant issuer.
If there is a problem with access to NPB, follow the following steps to identify the problem.
- Wait for some time and try to get the NPB again — most connectivity issues are of a temporary nature and after 10-15 minutes are fixed.
- Check if you have INTERNET connection.
- Check that the digital certificate is correctly installed on your computer and its date of expiry. How to check if a digital certificate is installed on the computer and for how long it is valid
- Check if your digital certificate is installed correctly via the INTERNET - on a test page on the website of DG CRAS. How to check if the digital certificate is installed correctly on a test page on the INTERNET
- Make sure that you write correctly the address for access to the Population Register – National Population Database, your username and password.
- The address for access to the Population Register – National Population Database should not be placed as a home page in the browser.
Required Internet Explorer settings:
- In order to always receive the latest data from the Population Register – National Population Database the following must be done: Select: Tools ==> Internet Options. Click the Settings button in the Browsing history section and select the Automatically option. Press OK on both screens.
- Deletes the screens and data you worked with from your computer's memory. The data from all the reports you work with is stored on the computer's disk. They must be deleted after finishing work. Solution to the problem: Select: Tools ==> Internet Options. In the field "Days to keep pages in history", enter the number 0. Select "Advanced". Click the box in front of the Empty Temporary Internet Files folder box when the browser is closed so that it is highlighted. Click OK.
- Reboot the computer.
If the browser is Cyrillic:
- Select: "Инструменти" (Tools) ==> Опции за интернет (Internet options). Click the button "Настройки" ("Settings") in the section "История на търсенето" ("Search History") and select the option "Автоматично" ("Automatic") . Press OK on both screens.
- Select: "Инструменти" (Tools) ==> Опции за интернет (Internet options). In the field "Брой дни, за които ще се пазят страниците в хронологията" ("Number of days for which the pages in the history will be saved") enter the number 0. Select "Разширени" (Advanced) Click in the box in front of the box "Изпразвай папката с временни интернет файлове, когато браузърът се затваря" ("Empty the temporary Internet files folder when the browser closes") so that it is highlighted. Click OK.
- Reboot the computer.
- Always close the browser screens after you have finished working with the Population Register – National Population Database.
- For convenience, you can save the address for access to the Population Register – National Population Database as follows: Open the Internet Explorer browser, type the access address and from the menu bar select Favorites ==> Add to Favorites… In the window (optionally) you can change the text in the Names field, then select Add.
- If you do not have an INTERNET connection, contact your ISP or computer specialist who maintains your computers.
- If your digital certificate does not pass the verification from item 4 (on the page CRAS digitial certificate test page) – contact the computer professional who maintains your computers or the company from which you purchased the digital certificate.
- For issues and questions not described in the above instructions, you can send an e-mail signed with your digital certificate to usernbd [ a t ] or to